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My Vlog

About us


"My heart is tuned to the quietness that the stillness of nature inspires" Hazrat Inayat Khan

The Green Deen Tribe is an initiative inspired by Ibrahim Abdul Matin’s book “Green Deen: What Islam Teaches about Protecting the Planet” which seeks to reconnect to the integral relationship of nature and the Islamic teachings of spirituality and tending to the Earth. The idea that through deepening our understanding of the role of Khalifa and our connection to the Earth, we deepen our love and relationship with Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). As Muslims our relationship with the Earth is an integral part of our belief and Divine connection. Over the past few years we have hosted film screenings, retreats, workshops, walks and other spaces with the intent of holding nature in a sacred space.

Upcoming Events

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"The servants of the Lord of Mercy are those who walk humbly on the earth, and who, when the foolish address them, reply, ‘Peace’;"

Surah Furqan:V63 

The 'Journeying the Land' series, brings together a series of different walks across the UK - where we reconnect to the embodied practice of walking as a spiritual practice rooted in the Islamic tradition

There are so many ways of journeying the land but from the Prophets to to the pilgrims, walking has always been recognised as a honoured way of journeying. Every step is an opportunity to be in a state of dhikr, to reflect and release as we move towards an outer and inner destination. It is the slowest form of movement, giving us time to witness the everchanging landscapes of the land with an awareness of our own internal journey that coincides. It is a route where we are continually connected and rooted to the Earth.


Our journeying the land series intends to reconnect to the essence of walking as not just as a means to a destination but as a spiritual practice.

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Join us for a series of monthly walks as we explore the beautiful landscapes across the UK. A chance to walk, enjoy company with periods of reflection, dhikr, and prayer as we walk with the land and bear witness to the signs of the Divine.

The series will include a range of gentle walks to more challenging hikes.

We have limited spaces for each walk, so if you are no longer able to attend please let us know ASAP so we can offer it to someone on the waiting list

Ethical Iftar Weekend

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What is the Ethical Iftar challenge? 

The ethical iftar challenge is a Green Deen Tribe project which seeks to revive the sunnahs of healthy eating and ethical consumption. Ramadan can be a time of waste and excess, and we hope to change this through three core goals: reduced meat consumption, no single-use plastic and no food waste. We may be physically distant this year, but through sharing our principles and a template for how to host an Ethical Iftar to stay connected to you. 

How do I get involved?

The Ethical Iftar Challenge will take place on the 24th-25th April. On the day of your choice, we invite you to prepare your own meat-free meal, with no single-use plastic and food waste. Share your journey with us and the Green Deen Tribe community through photos, videos and even written reflections! 

The Green Deen tribe is here to support you through this journey! Sign up to our newsletter for more information

Contact Us


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"The world is beautiful and verdant, and verily God, the exalted, has made you his stewards in it, and he sees how you acquit yourselves"

Prophet Muhammed ﷺ

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